In this virtual symposium, the series of webinars and resources are focused on important advances in mining market macrotrends, analytical testing techniques, and their applications. Leading analytical scientists have brought you these resources themed: Driving the EV Industry for Success, Keeping the High in High-Tech for High Quality Electronics and Advanced Solutions for Advanced Alloys.
As different end products require different levels of raw materials purity to meet product development and production needs, mining companies, battery and electronics manufacturers and others look to optimize their labs and methods for today and for what’s to come.
Here, we have collected the webinar presentations and related application work for your convenience; click any of the topics to enjoy.

Mining for our Advanced Technologies: Li, REE & the Analytical Testing to Get it Right
Watch this video to learn about the analytical solutions the mining feasibility firm KCA, relies on to achieve their goals of sample testing accuracy and productivity.

Analyzing REEs from Power Plant Fly Ash – How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Sample Pretreatment and ICP Analysis
Siiri Perämäki, Ph.D, from the University of Jyväskylä presents on how to accurately determine rare earth element concentrations in coal and bio-based fly ashes.

Lithium Impurities Analysis in Li2CO3 by ICP-OES
Ryan Purcell-Joiner discusses the future of the battery market and the growing needs for productivity, performance and value in the lithium materials testing lab.

Direct Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials by LA-ICP-OES
Ryan Purcell-Joiner discusses how laser ablation with ICP-OES (LA-ICP-OES) overcomes limitations of cathode materials sample prep digestion with repeatability, accuracy, and waste reduction.

Impurity Analysis of Lithium Powders by ICP-MS
In this presentation, Dr. Ruth Merrifield discusses the challenges of testing different levels of impurities in lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide powders and the ICP-MS solutions to overcome them.

Impurities Analysis in LiPF6 Based Electrolyte
In this presentation, Shuli Cheng describes the capabilities of direct analysis of LiPF6 battery electrolytes with ICP-OES.

Digging Deep into REEs with ICP-MS
Andrew Rams digs into analyzing rare earth element (REE) deposits with the analysis of lithium borate fusion with several unique attributes for increased robustness, versatility in gas reaction and mixing, and more.

Technologies for the Measure of REEs, from Exploration to Refining & Recycling
Dr. Diane Beauchemin, Ph.D. from University of Montreal discusses established and future promising technologies for measuring Rare Earth Elements (REEs) through the value chain of mining.

Automated High Throughput Analysis of REE in Mining Discovery Samples with LA-ICP-MS
Rob Hutchinson from ESI and Ruth Merrifield discuss the automated laser ablation system, LaserTRAX coupled to ICP-MS, the features utilized for REE laser analysis and the result.

Direct Determination of Impurities in High Purity Rare Earth Oxide with ICP-MS
Xiaoling Ma discusses impurities testing with ICP-MS of rare earth oxides, or REE oxides, for important uses like production of special metal alloys, glass and high-performance electronics.

Analysis of Titanium Alloys with ICP-OES
Estephany Marillo-Sialer presents on the determination of impurities in alloying metals by ICP-OES and demonstrates the accuracy of trace and alloying elements detection and multicomponent spectral fitting.

Refining and Recycling High Purity Metals
Dr. Ruth Merrifield discusses elemental analysis for final product purity, interim material analysis for stage of the refining process, and chemical “feed contamination” analyses.
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