HPLC Conference is a premier event dedicated to the field of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and related technologies. This conference serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and exploring the latest advancements in analytical chemistry. With a focus on emerging trends in HPLC, PerkinElmer attends this conference for a unique opportunity to connect with leading scientists and industry pioneers. In this page we offer you the chance to browse through the resources presented by the PerkinElmer team at HPLC Conference, featuring state-of-the art HPLC Instruments and software combined with advanced separation technologies.
Explore the conference posters and stay up-to-date with the latest analytical trends for HPLC.
Analysis of Sugars in Soft Drinks by HILIC with RI Detection, Using Epic Amino HD column and Ethanol based Mobile Phase
Sugars are the most important component of soft drinks, candies, and sweets. Therefore, sugars quantitation in syrups used for manufacturing or ready products is of extreme importance. In the USA, not only traditional saccharose is in use, but high fructose corn syrup, the mix of fructose and glucose has the largest share of the market.
Determination of Aflatoxins in Various Food Matrices by Fluorescence HPLC Analysis
Aflatoxins are toxic metabolites produced by two fungi species, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, and can be found on various staple foodstuffs around the world. They exist in four major forms and these compounds are both carcinogenic and mutagenic, with B1 being the most potent.
Novel Phenyl Based Naphthyl Stationary Phase Providing Alternate Selectivity & Speed
For reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP HPLC) separations, C18s are the "workhorse" LC columns. They have broad applicability in many industries, but they are not optimized for all application-specific needs, especially for critical separations of similar aromatic compounds.
Analysis of Saccharides in High Fructose Corn Syrup by HPLC with Refractive Index Detection
This work specifically focuses on the analysis of saccharides in nine commercially available high fructose corn syrups. Analytical results are consistent with the values reported on the COAs that accompanied each sample, demonstrating the suitability of the LC 300 to perform saccharide content determination in accordance with CRA Method SACCH.03.