No matter if you are novice user or you need a refresher about fundamentals of liquid chromatography, PerkinElmer LC Learning Webinar series provides a comprehensive overview on what HPLC and UHPLC are, how to choose the right detectors, typical troubleshooting basics and much more.
Introduction to HPLC
This presentation is the first in a series that will introduce you to the most widely used analytical technique in the world – high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Intro To HPLC Column Selection
One of the key features in developing a HPLC chromatographic method is the selection HPLC column.
Choosing the right detector: a look at the most common HPLC detectors
In this session of our LC Learning Series, we will explore the most common detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
Basics of HPLC Troubleshooting
Presented in a Q&A format, this session of our LC learning series will explore some of the most common issues/problems encountered in the HPLC lab.
An Introduction to LC-MS/MS
This presentation is the first in a series that will introudce you to the highly useful analytical technique - High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS).
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance: An Introduction to Sample Preparation
Sample preparation is a crucial component of the LC workflow and determines successful analyses? Neglecting sample preparation can complicate data analysis, quantitation, and identification, leading to less robust, reproducible LC analysis and more equipment downtime.
Getting the most out of your UV and PDA Analysis
Ultraviolet (UV) based detectors are the most common detectors used in liquid chromatography.