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As semiconductor science advances and the wafers become more complex - increasing volumes of water are needed for the production processes. Manufacturers must balance their water consumption with environmental factors and quality in production. This whitepaper examines the trends and innovations in water usage and recycling within the semiconductor industry. It explores the analytical challenges involved in elemental contamination monitoring, necessary for streamlined, sustainable and safe water usage. With the addition of increasingly stringent contaminant monitoring in semiconductor water recycling operations, ICP-MS systems are embracing multi-quadrupole technology. In the paper we outline the features and benefits of ICP-MS technology to enhance analytical performance - with results data proof points to various ppt levels - from experiments carried out on the PerkinElmer NexION 5000 multi-quadrupole instrument.

In this whitepaper learn about:

  • Semiconductor Production
  • Water Processing and Contaminants
  • Treating Wastewater
  • Water Recycling
  • Why Water Purity Matters
  • Purity Standards
  • Elemental Impurity Analysis with ICP-MS
  • The Future of Water Recycling in Semiconductor Manufacturing


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