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PerkinElmer Spotlight™ 150i and 200i are high-performance FT-IR microscopy systems designed to meet the needs of lab scientists faced with analyzing increasingly challenging samples with simpler workflows and higher sensitivity needs.

Everything is designed to produce fast and high-quality results: Automated particle (region of interest) finding eliminates manual setup for analysis of multiple particles, while automated laminate analysis routines quickly locate features and set optimum scanning conditions. And you can combine analyses with point scanning for multiple sample points - so you can deliver results, not just spectra, for a multitude of operations.

Spotlight 150i and 200i FT-IR microscopy systems easily accommodate samples below 50 microns, to produce accurate and reproducible results. The intuitive operation makes everything from spectral collection to extraction to processing simple and straightforward. With Spectrum™ Two based Spotlight systems, you can quickly decouple the microscope, giving you a portable FT-IR system that’s perfect for out-of-the-lab experiments.

Just how easy is it to meet your biggest sample challenges - and your smallest? Watch our Spotlight 150i and 200i video today.


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