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Rechargeable high-performance battery technology is enabling the large-scale e-mobility revolution. Material science, in turn, is a key enabler to development and commercialization of lithium-ion batteries with high energy density. This webinar presentation imparts new insights into solid state batteries, advanced materials, and manufacturing considerations to energize your research. Hear from presenters: Professor Jennifer L.M. Rupp of TU Munich and MIT, internationally renowned for her work in Li-oxide battery research and engineering; and analytical and application experts Chady Stephan and Kieran Evans from PerkinElmer.

Watch to update your knowledge of:

  • Solid-state batteries and current research developments
  • Novel methods to design and optimize battery materials to new cell designs
  • Research and engineering on alternative solid-state Li-oxide battery manufacturing and analytics
  • Analysis of solid-state electrolytes using hyphenated technology
  • Accelerated QA/QC using atomic spectroscopy coupled with laser ablation
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