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Chlorine (Cl) stands as a crucial micronutrient in soil and plants, primarily existing in the form of the chloride anion. At adequate levels of supply, Cl improves the yields and quality of many crops. However, when excessive, Cl can be a major component of salinity stress and toxic to plants.

Silver nitrate titration is commonly used to assess chloride levels in plants, relying on the precise interaction between silver nitrate and chloride ions. However, the presence of other ions in the sample in high amounts may interfere with the silver nitrate and cause errors in the measurement of chloride levels. Also, any contamination or impurities present in the reagents may result in erroneous outcomes, highlighting the importance of maintaining a controlled laboratory environment.

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) provides a more comprehensive and robust analysis method which is also less susceptible to interference from other ions present in the sample. Unlike silver nitrate titration, ICP-OES excels in its ability to accurately determine chloride levels even in complex sample matrices. Its robustness ensures that the results are less prone to inaccuracies caused by interference from coexisting ions.

The Avio® 220 Max hybrid simultaneous ICP-OES accurately measures chloride in plant leaves, providing fast, reliable results that surpass the conventional titration technique, thanks to its exceptional capacity to cover an extensive wavelength range beyond 800 nm. This capability enhances the instrument's effectiveness in determining chloride levels, providing comprehensive analytical coverage for a broader spectrum of elements and ensuring versatile applications in elemental analysis.

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